Nasolacrimal furrow contouring is aimed at evenly improving the appearance of the skin in the nasolacrimal sulcus. Its action is caused by subcutaneous injection of hyaluronic acid fillers, which improve the condition of the skin in several directions at once. The effect of this procedure is to deeply moisturize the skin and give it a healthy glow. In addition, hollows and furrows are filled, the relief of the skin is smoothed, the skin returns its tone, it becomes fresh and firm. In our clinic you can quickly and without surgical intervention to make your face younger, remove folds and even out the surface of the skin. This procedure not only makes the skin attractive. With its help, you can significantly moisturize the face and saturate the tissues with nutrients that normalize the state of cells and improve skin tone. And most importantly - the result of contouring of the nasolacrimal furrow is visible immediately after the procedure and will long please you with the results.